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Mining Image

Complete blast analysis, volumetrics, dilution control, grade stability, and blast hole location for open pit operations can all be modeled and analyzed using ILRIS-3D and its associated software.

Urban Image

ILRIS-3D offers quick conversion of scan data to CAD plan/elevation take-offs, facilitating rapid planning. All features such as utility location, road centerline and curb extents are accurately and completely located.

Industrials Image

Continuously monitor hundreds of control points on any engineered structure.

Artichect Image

A wealth of information on historical edifices can be directly digitized, where range and accuracy limitations previously made this impossible or impractical. Millimetrically accurate polygonal models are rendered and exported in a variety of formats.

Infrastructure Image

Thanks to its dynamic range, ILRIS can completely scan large structures rapidly, efficiently, and in high detail.

Forest Image

Police organizations and surveyors require quick, accurate and efficient on-site data collection at accident locations and crime scenes. ILRIS is ideally suited for data collection projects of this sor

OilandGas Image

ILRIS-3D data is used directly within a number of dedicated plant-as-built software applications, to facilitate critical clash detection between pipe and steel, to ensure accurate nozzle placement for vessel retrofits, and for a host of other applications.

ToTop Image